博客來精選推薦Aspects of Grammatical Architecture
Aspects of Grammatical Architecture
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Aspects of Grammatical Architecture
This volume collects thirteen of the author’s previously published papers from the last 25 years which explore various aspects of grammatical architecture from a minimalist perspective. The book examines the structural architectures of phrases and clauses, clitics, and derivations, and draws on examples from a broad range of languages to demonstrate these principles in practice, including French, European Portuguese, Welsh, German, and English. The final section of the book highlights the author’s most recently published work, paving the way for future directions for further research on grammatical architecture from a minimalist perspective. Engaging with some of the central questions in minimalist syntax, this volume is a key resource for students and researchers in theoretical linguistics, cognitive science, philosophy of science, formal grammar, and syntax.
- 作者: Rouveret, Alain
- 原文出版社:Taylor & Francis
- 出版日期:2018/01/31
- 語言:英文
Aspects of Grammatical Architecture